
- 100m from Beach
- 500m from Town Jetty
- 100m from Main Street
- Only 1km from Mangrove Boardwalk
- Only 1km from the Dolphin Discovery Centre
Perth is about 185km from Bunbury.
The train from Perth to Bunbury operates most days of the year. If you travel on the Morning Train, there will be a free bus (Note: the Free Bus leaves about 5 minutes after the train arrives so please do not miss it) on Mon’ to Sat’ only to take you from Bunbury Passanger Terminal (train station) to the city centre bus station (next to the Visitor Information Centre about 4.0km away).
If you are travelling to Perth on the Afternoon Train, there will be a free bus on Mon’ to Fri’ only to take you from Bunbury Passanger Terminal (train station) to Bunbury city centre bus station (next to the Visitor Information Centre). There is no free bus on Sunday. The hostel is 10 minutes walk from the city centre bus station. If you catch the afternoon train on Sunday you will have to catch a taxi to the hostel. (The train station is 4.0km away from the city centre).
The Bus from Perth – You need to ensure that the bus takes you to the city centre bus station and not the train station. South West Coach Lines drops passengers off at the city centre bus station. Most TRANSWA buses will drop you at the train station about 4.0km from the city centre.
Public transport options to Bunbury
- Train – https://secure.transwa.wa.gov.au/bookingsexpress.aspx
- South West Coach Lines Bus – https://www.southwestcoachlines.com.au
- TRANSWA Bus – https://www.transwa.wa.gov.au