Looking For Work
We Help You to Find Work in Bunbury “2nd Visa and Casual Jobs”
The best way to find out about jobs sooner than other people is to simply Click Here and we will send you an email everytime we have work for you.
This List is prepared in good faith and the jobs available will vary from day to day.
Jobs for 2nd Year Visa
Grape Picking Job
Vineyard Job
Orange Picking Job
Meat Worker
General Works
Caretaker Job
Housekeeper Job
Mandarin Picking Job
Dishwashing Job
Chef and Kitchen Hand
Cherry Picking
Weeding Job
Receive updated Work Information by Clicking Here (or paste this into your browser – https://mailchi.mp/e1502a10a0bb/looking-for-work) to receive our Work Information and Special Deals.
Most guests who stay at Wander Inn find suitable work in their first or second week here.Bunbury is a vibrant and ever expanding city so there is always opportunity for work.We have lots of Cafe’s and Bars as well as heaps of construction, mining and agricultural businesses always looking for strong lads or ladies to give them a hand.There are also agricultural areas surrounding Bunbury that you can work to get your 2nd visa to stay in Australia.If you are qualified in any trade, work is available.Check out our notice board and you’ll see there are new advertisements going up everyday, from occasional work setting up fair grounds to more permanent jobs that may just set you up for the rest of your travels!When you check-in, we will give you a map of the city and a list of the best places to go and find work. This will really help you find a job quickly. Please send us an email NOW and we will give you more information to help You find work!
Follow Us on Facebook to See Work Information Updated Every Day
You really need to be staying at Wander Inn so you can see the jobs being put on Jobs Board. If you send us an email we can give you some great work information and a special price on accommodation so please keep reading.
We speak to about Employers every day about jobs for our guests. Most people who come to Bunbury to find work, normally find suitable work within the first 1 to 2 weeks. When you check in we will give you a list and map of over 50 businesses in Bunbury that regularly give work to travelers. Our Work pinup board always contains lots of leads to find work such as employers looking for people to do a particular job and starting on a certain date. We have over 500 employers on our database that we contact regularly.
We post jobs on our Facebook Pages every day so please visit the Page via our website link to get this daily information about work available.
If you want help getting your Working Holiday Visa we will give you a list of fruit picking orchards and employment agencies that you can apply to for work.
You can also work at the meat factories in Bunbury to gain your Working Holiday Visa. If you are interested in this type of work please ask for their contact details when you check-in.
1 – If you are serious about finding a job, we post jobs on our Facebook/Twitter Pages every day so please visit the Page via our website link AND LIKE THE PAGE to get YOUR best daily information about work. We also post awesome accommodation deals too!!!
2 – Email to us a photo of yourself and answer the questions below so we can email your information to over 1000 employers every month to help you find a job sooner!
– Please attach your photo.
– Your name.
– Your country.
– What jobs are you trained in.
– What jobs you have done before.
– Your hobbies.
3- Complete this form by Clicking Here (or paste this into your browser – https://mailchi.mp/e1502a10a0bb/looking-for-work) to receive our best Work Information and Special Deals.
You will receive all the following for FREE when you stay here;
– Off street parking
– Tea and Coffee all day
– Smiles, the staff are friendly & have answers to most questions
– We are located only 2 minutes walk to the City Centre & Beach!
Location Information
Bunbury is the Gateway to the South West and offers something for everyone. Whether it be getting back to nature and visiting our friendly dolphins, feeding the local kangaroos or taking a walk through the Tuart Forrest or 10,000 year old mangroves. Head to one of our golden sandy beaches where you can try body boarding in the surf at Back Beach or have a more relaxed swim in the calm waters of Koombana Bay.
For the more adventurous traveller you can Sea Kayak with the dolphins, explore W.A’s newest dive wreck; The Lena or head for the sky by taking the controls and flying a small plane. In the evening visit one of the many restaurants, cafes, bars or one of our three nightclubs to end what would have been a perfect day.